My sweet Maddy, who is my new Pre-Kindergartener (Gulp!?) Is now going by the name Madelyn.
She marched confidently into her new school on that first day... she was not late do to the downpour subsiding. Thank you Jesus! She gave her Mommy a tight neck hug and kiss and said goodbye and did not turn back. That's one thing about my kids, they do not give me guilt trips when we part ways. So very glad!! I have a hard enough time trying not to think about their bigness!!! Needless to say, Madelyn will be at school a full week this year, but for 3 very short hours that the teacher packs a ton of great stuff into!-Including Bible! So 11: 00 pick-up came rather quickly. Enough time for my little boy & I to eat a delicious breakfast among many friends at Yoders! I'm thinking we will frequent there this school year!

This is Moriah's Big kid desk ; cubby for some workbooks and her new dazzling pencil box that holds fancy schmancy pencils and cutsie folders this year. All big kid stuff. I told her she was to keep her work space very tidy, that she should be a neat nick! Her handwriting is already First Grader like! Her teacher has taken note of her colorful papers and has written"lovely!" In her new classroom are many friends from her kindergarten class! and she has a couple of class pets!! One being a hamster named Speedy and fishes named Diamond & Sparkle. Indeed, the perfect class for this girl! ( avid animal lover!)
This is Madelyn's class at Sarasota Christian. This is her teacher Mrs. Smith. She comes into her class and hangs her adorable butterfly backpack that says "Madelyn" on a little hook. and then she heads to a small table to begin writing and coloring. I have no doubts that she is a smart cookie! She also colors very neatly in the lines and I know that she has already amazed her teachers!! ( she had great teachers last year that she learned so much from!) Her little brother Garrett does not want to leave with mom. He would rather stay and play with many fun toys in the centers-including kitchen, dress-ups & a train table!
Not to mention the playground that she informed me on the first day could not play on due to the rain.
The duration of the week was not raining at the time of recess so she was happy to tell me about the tire swing she loves! If I pass by the school at around 9:30 I can see her class out there! She is in for a fantastic year! So glad God led us to this option for a season. The school year will fly by like the last, I am sure!
And the highlight of my week was when Moriah asked me to bring her lunch at school on Friday, like old times!!!! Many more lunch dates to come!
All- in-all, a great First week! Reassuring me of a terrific school year up ahead!!